Honored with Gold Award of 2016 Annual Report Competition“Vision Awards”
Elected as “Top 40 Chinese Reports of 2016” and “Top 80 Reports of
Asia-Pacific Region”
Great Wall Pan Asia Holdings Limited (“GWPA” or the “Company”, stock code: 583.HK) is pleased to announce that its 2016 Annual Report cover was honored with the Gold Award of 2016 Annual Report Competition “Vision Awards” and elected as one of the “Top 80 Reports of Asia-Pacific Region” (ranked 45th) as well as “Top 40 Chinese Reports of 2016” from the League of American Communications Processionals LLC (“LACP”), achieved a brilliant result.
The Annual Report Competition “Vision Awards” is one of the renowned annual report awards assessed by LACP, an international professional communications organization, and it enjoys a good reputation and plays a major role in annual report selections worldwide. This competition judges the report by a field of communications professionals based on its first impression, report cover, letter to shareholders, report narrative, report financials, creativity, message clarity and information accessibility these 8 criterions and aimed to acknowledge organizations with outstanding performance. The 2016 Annual Report Competition “Vision Awards” drew one of the largest number of submissions ever, representing a broad range of industries and organizational sizes, so the competition was exceptionally tough.
The 2016 annual report of GWPA took the “Great wall” as the theme, and made the simple clear Great Wall sketch as the cover design, which will be perfectly echoed with the Annual Reports in the coming years to constitute a magnificent picture of the Great Wall stretching endlessly, thereby representing the essencial culture of the Company and also placing the Company with pleasant moral being in the ascendant. The inside page of the Annual Report continued to follow the plain style of the cover, and the content achieved the clear and orderly layout with the key financial information conveyed at a glance. The 2016 Annual Report of GWPA got full mark in most of the judgement criterions and reached a total score 98 out of 100, which represented the high praise and unanimous recognition from jury of the organizer.
This international award recognized the Company for its great efforts on external communication, and commended the Company for its great appreciation in the design of Annual Report style as well as the professionalism in the investor relations work. In future, the Company will make persistent efforts to continuously improve quality of the report and transparency of the information, enhance the work on investor relations and information disclosure, and promote the Company’s corporate governance level.